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New item in our ‘Tools and Helpful Links’ tab. VIDOFIBRES comparison chart.

Our VIDOFIBRES range of plant fibres has quickly become one of the main pillars of our business, we added citrus and recently also carrot fibre to our sugar beet, apple and pear fibres. The VIDOFIBRES product family now complements perfectly our VIDOGUM Galactomannan product range of Locust Bean GumGuar Gum and Tara Gum, the VIDOPECTINE pectin product line, relaunched in 2020, the VIDOGUM PRO carob and tara proteins as well as the VIDOGLACE ice cream stabilisers.

It can be challenging for distributors and customers alike, to stay up-to-date and fully informed about the properties and functional peculiarities of the various VIDOFIBRES on offer.

We, therefore, now added our VIDOFIBRES Portfolio and Comparison Chart to our website, in the ‘Tools and Helpful Links‘ page, to be found in the ‘Applications‘ tab.

Please feel free to download the Vidofibres Comparison Chart from the ‘Tools and Helpful Links page, and keep it handy for your daily use.