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COVID-19 Update for Customers and Distributors #2, March 13, 2020

To our valued customers

One of our major logistics service providers and freight companies have informed us that presently, all transports in Denmark have come to a standstill and in Italy, disruptions have to be expected in freight transport. Besides Italy and Poland now Denmark closed all schools, kinder gardens and public offices for the next 14 days, with further measures to be expected regards public transport limitations. Our logistics provider were asked not to organize any more transports to Denmark for the time being. We will monitor the situation closely and post an update when we know more.

Locust Bean Gum Market Update January 2020

Unipektin Ingredients AG as your supplier and partner feels obliged to keep their customers informed about critical developments affecting the supply situation so that together we can make informed decisions and find the right solution for you.

Since our last market update in November 2019, the raw material situation has changed rapidly and deteriorated significantly. These very recent developments make it necessary to release a new update with our now different views of the outlook in the LBG market.

If you are interested to discuss the current Market Update and our recommendations, please contact us at or call us.

FIE Paris Day 3 Report

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist FIE-2019-email-banner-3.png

This report (extract of the report see below) is kindly provided by IMR INTERNATIONAL Hydrocolloid Information Center , Publisher of The Quarterly Review of Food Hydrocolloids.

Day 3 attendance was not as terrible as predicted but certainly a poor return on investment for most exhibitors. Not to mention the attendees that purchased only a one day pass. Attendance was way below even the normally expected poor attendance on the last day. By 2:30-3:00pm most attendees had started to leave and many exhibitors had started to pack up. For those that decided to brave public transport, they were pleasantly surprised. Metro and RER service was available if sporadic and with longer than usual wait times.

In terms of hydrocolloid relevance, visits and interviews conducted during day 3 confirmed the craze over plant based food identified during days 1 & 2. A deja vu of the ‘low fat, no fat craze’ of years gone by. A lemming mentality headed for an inevitable correction.

Of all the marketing and promotional effort expended during shows like the FIE, it is amazing how little is targeted at the most important decision maker, the consumer. A case of ‘out of sight out of mind’. IMR’s saying:- “The Perception of the Consumer is the Reality of the Producer”

FIE 2019 Paris Day 2 Report

This report (extract of the report see below) is kindly provided by IMR INTERNATIONAL Hydrocolloid Information Center , Publisher of The Quarterly Review of Food Hydrocolloids.

Day 2 is traditionally the busiest of the 3 day show but this year day 2 barely equaled day 1 and by 3:30pm Day 2 was winding down as many attendees AND exhibitors fled for the gate and were probably headed to the airport to leave Paris before the strike starting late tonight. Day 3 will undoubtedly be quieter than usual.

Made it to Hall 7 today and it’s nearly as large as Hall 6 although Hall 7 was not as easy to navigate. Surely the organizers can make navigation a higher priority. Two Chinese pavilions in Hall 7. The Chinese pavilions seemed smaller than previous shows but still housed too many to visit all suppliers.

Fibre and protein were themes also in Hall 7 but plant-based foods were more strongly represented than in Hall 6. There was even a “Plant-Based Tasting Experience” area where several plant-based meal alternatives were available. The plant-based revolution in Europe is following the US and tight supply of a few key hydrocolloids remain an issue.

Incremental innovations and me-too products were identified. Little in the way of totally new hydrocolloid functionality but several “Clean Label” options offered and based on the ‘In-situ’ concept. More detail on award winners and functional improvements will be covered in the next issue of The Quarterly Review of Food Hydrocolloids. A new LBG supplier will also be disclosed. Availability for raw material remains unchanged.

It is unanimously agreed that consumer perceptions, or mis-perceptions, are a major concern. Yet no effort seems dedicated at addressing this concern by the food ingredient industry. It is rather like preaching to the choir and navel gazing when it comes to consumer communication.

FIE 2019 Paris Day 1 Report

This report (extract of the report see below) is kindly provided by IMR INTERNATIONAL Hydrocolloid Information Center , Publisher of The Quarterly Review of Food Hydrocolloids

FIE Paris – Day 1 Report

Surprisingly high attendance for day 1. Maybe because many attendees will only stay for two days and leave early on the second day to avoid the strike disruption expected for the third day. Paris is the city of lights but also the city of strikes. Frankfurt lays claim to neither and that is where the 2020 HIE will be held.

Halls 6 and 7 house this FIE and there was only time to visit hall 6 today. Lots of hydrocolloid suppliers were represented, some with a strong hydrocolloid focus and others (giant companies especially) where hydrocolloids are a negligible part of the business.

Protein and fiber are probably the “ingredients du jour” at this FIE. Protein in the revolutionary plant based movement which is fast growing in Europe, if not at the pace of the US. Fiber, in the trendy focus on “Health and Nutrition”. Gum acacia remains a key source of soluble dietary fiber. There has been no press release by any of the hydrocolloid trade associations that plan their meetings before an FIE or HIE. eg. AIPG & Marinalg.

There are some hydrocolloid alliances being made seeking synergies and cost reduction, eg Silvateam and Rettenmaier. Other alliances are remaining ‘behind the scenes’. A case of open innovation?

Locust Bean Gum – Market Update now available

…….LBG prices in the past seemed to follow a 10-year cycle of raw material price hikes, which we saw in 1995, 2005 and roughly from 2016 onwards, this time with a little delay and also for the first time for longer than 2 years…….

Unipektin Ingredients AG as your supplier and partner feels obliged to keep their customers informed about critical developments affecting the supply situation so that together we can make informed decisions and find the right solution for you.

If you are interested in a copy of the current Market Update please e-mail us at or call us.

Unipektin’s Agents in Australia, SAVANNAH BIO SYSTEMS, move to their new Head Office

Savannah Sydney – A multi-million-dollar investment in the future! New Head Office, Customer Engagement Kitchen and Application Demonstration Room.

Scott Trethowen, Commercial Manager: It is with great excitement that I announce that Savannah Bio Systems Australia has acquired a new Head Office location in the heart of North Shore Sydney.
This long-term investment in the future is to build on our capabilities and to ensure we continue to provide excellence in customer support and service in the specialty ingredients industry.
The new facility, comprising of 3 floors, has been completely rebuilt internally to accommodate our new Head Office, Customer Engagement Kitchen and Application Demonstration Room.

see the full press release here

FIE Paris 2019

UNIPEKTIN INGREDIENTS exhibiting at Food Ingredients Europe 2019.

03 – 05 December 2019, Villepinte Parc des Expositions, Paris, France.

Fi Europe & Ni is the world’s leading food and beverage ingredients platform. Held biennially in a major European city, Fi Europe & Ni brings together the world’s leading food and beverage suppliers and specialists in research and development, production and marketing to showcase the most diverse range of new and innovative ingredients and services.

Visit UNIPEKTIN INGREDIENTS AG at Stand 6D21 – Zone Natural Ingredients

Do you want to schedule an appointment with one of our experts? Please send a request to